09.11.2011The Russian business aviation market may be growing again, but most of its problems remain unsolved. Worse yet, if the industry regulators succeed in implementing a host of newly proposed requirements, this will further complicate the life of bizav operators, says Leonid Koshelev, chairman of the Russian United Business Aviation Association (RUBAA).
16.06.2015The difficult political and economic situation in Russia affects the bizav market.
11.11.2014Bizav market shrinks in Russia
21.07.2014The moderate growth rates suggest that the Russian bizav market has finally achieved maturity
20.11.2013Stability on the Russian bizav market is good for everyone except the Russian market
09.11.2012The Russian business aviation market has considerable potential for growth
10.07.2012The Russian business aviation market is recovering and gearing up for a new, albeit less speedy, growth cycle.
09.11.2011Russia’s growing bizav market attracts manufacturers and MRO providers
09.11.2011The Russian business aviation market may be growing again, but most of its problems remain unsolved. Worse yet, if the industry regulators succeed in implementing a host of newly proposed requirements, this will further complicate the life of bizav operators, says Leonid Koshelev, chairman of the Russian United Business Aviation Association (RUBAA).
26.11.2010Russian bizav operators look for new airports in Moscow region
26.11.2010The Russian bizav market is attracting foreign manufacturers
19.07.2010Recovery of the Russian bizav market gives hope to local operators and service providers
15.02.2010In his interview to Russia & CIS Observer Yevgeny Bakhtin, Vice President of the Russian United Business Aviation Association, has explained if there are preconditions for a qualitative change of the situation in 2010 or if stagnation in the industry will continue in the short term.
15.02.2010Russian business aviation rolls back to 2007 levels
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