Another helicopter center built around Moscow

Shortly before the opening of JetExpo 2014, the rotorcraft charter services provider Aerosoyuz inaugurated a new helicopter center at the 39th km on the outer side of the Moscow Automobile Ring Road (MKAD). This is the company’s fourth such center in Moscow Region, and its third one along MKAD.
The new facility is located on the grounds of Rolf Premium, the luxury division of the local automotive dealer Rolf. Tatyana Farnasova, the head of Rolf Premium, says the company hopes to attract new potential clients by hosting the helicopter center.
Aerosoyuz president Alexander Klimchuk says the center is quite compact: the hangar, helipad, maneuvering area and several other structures sit on 0.3 hectares. Around $1 million was invested in the project, which is expected to break even in four to five years.
Farnasova says Aerosoyuz is planning to build several more helicopter centers at Rolf Premium sites. One such facility will be located at the intersection of MKAD with Kashirskoye Road. No timeline is being disclosed for its opening.
By the end of 2015, Aerosoyuz expects to have built seven more helicopter centers along MKAD. They will be selling, maintaining, refuelling and operating foreign-made light helicopters. Other services may include PPL training and conversion training to new types for professional pilots. The centers will provide air-taxi services, as well as operating aerial monitoring flights in the interests of the Emergencies Ministry (forest fire detection, etc.).
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