Business program for the military and the industry

More than 100 events will take place as part of the business program of Army 2016 forum. There are several formats — plenary sessions, conferences, symposiums, roundtables and briefings, told Show Observer Alexander Mironov, the head of research activities and technological support of advanced technology for the Russian Defense Ministry. The main topics planned to be discussed are the latest technology and future military-technical sphere development directions. Most events are organized by the Ministry of Defense military department.

Heads of federal and regional executive authorities, state corporations, Advanced Research Fund, Russian Academy of Sciences, institutions of higher professional education, scientific research and public organizations as well as representatives of the Russian defense enterprises have been invited to participate in the business part of the program. Most events will be moderated by public figures, military experts, general designers and leading scientists. According to Mironov, the organizers made such a decision with regard to the previous exhibitions and forums experience. In an interview with Show Observer the Ministry of Defense representative listed the most important events in his view. Among them he mentioned the symposium “Military education — serving the Motherland!”, which will be led by Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, a meeting of the Ministry of Defense and Rosatom State Corporation interdepartmental commission dealing with the development of non-nuclear weapons, as well as the meeting of the interdepartmental working group on the development of advanced specifications to robotic systems.

The main objective of the scientific and business program, according to Mironov, is to develop suggestions that will help establish cooperation between the defense industry and military authorities. Such cooperation is expected to improve the process of developments of advanced armament and military and special equipment.  

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