"The government could support any aircraft where there is Russian involvement"
Delivering a complete support package for new Russian aircraft sold abroad is now a key focus for the aviation industry. Without this support export demand for aircraft is certain to dry up. Leasing specialist Ilyushin Finance Co. (IFC) has experience in providing Russian aircraft to foreign customers and, right now, the company is working hard with the Russian-Ukrainian Antonov An-148 regional jet family. IFC CEO Alexander Rubtsov talked with Show Observer about how to meet the needs of the future market.
— IFC is promoting the An-148 on the international market. Soon, you and the manufacturers will have to solve the problem of increasing production. The question of technical support is not far behind either. How will you address these issues?
— Technical support for customers is the main issue. We need to be able to quickly deliver spare parts, make repairs and help operators deal with all their engineering queries – and it’s not easy. We have to invest in spare parts inventories, because the OEM must have its own warehouses to supply the airlines with components. It is not possible any longer to work directly from an assembly line.
It is a question of investment and I believe that Antonov is now on the right track – the company plans to take it seriously. We have signed an agreement on guaranteed support for aircraft operations in accordance with best international practice. We are aiming to do what Boeing and Airbus do in terms of guarantying flight readiness, component reliability and defect rectification in the shortest time anywhere the world. To back this promises Antonov will build its sales support system.
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