Ka-62 first flight imminent

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Polina Zvereva
News Eng, English

The Kamov Ka-62 medium utility helicopter is making its public debut at MAKS 2013. The Russian Helicopters holding company is showcasing a full-scale specimen in the static area; in addition, a full-size mock-up of the corporate version can be seen at the company’s stand. First flight is tentatively set for the end of summer. "The Ka-62 will be flying at MAKS if we are entirely satisfied that it can perform an impressive demo sequence," Russian Helicopter CEO Dmitry Petrov said in May this year. "It is important for us to demonstrate the new Russian helicopter’s capabilities to our current and future customers. We have prior experience installing foreign systems and components on Russian rotorcraft platforms. Nevertheless, integrating them on the Ka-62 requires special attention from all participants in the program, meaning that additional tests on individual components or systems may be needed."

The Ka-62 program is the first time the Russian helicopter industry has been working closely with international manufacturers. Turbomeca of France, a Safran Group company, has completed the development of the Ardiden 3G powerplant and supplied the first prototypes for installation on the Ka-62. "We are planning to deliver a further batch of engines shortly to support subsequent phases of the helicopter development program, including the beginning of flight tests," Turbomeca Vice-President and General Manager, Airframers Philippe Couteaux said in May. The Austrian company Zoerkler has supplied the first transmissions for the aircraft.

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