“For the last seven years we have been pretty active in Russia”
Fokker Services, a subsidiary of Fokker Technologies, is focused on the production of aircraft structures, electrical wiring solutions and landing gears, as well as on aircraft servicing. When Fokker stopped production in 1996, Fokker Services started to support the operational Fokker fleet while also transitioning its business to other aircraft types. Heino van der Laan, Vice-President Marketing and Sales, shared his views on the Russian market potential and on managing the company’s risk exposure in the times of financial turbulence.
Mr van der Laan, what sorts of projects do you do in Russia?
— For the last seven years, we have been pretty active in Russia. These days some of Russia’s major airlines are amongst our customers, including Transaero, Orenair, Rossiya, S7, Nordwind, UTair, IFly, and Nordstar. We support them with exchanges and repairs on integrated drive generators, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, avionics and galley equipment for Airbus, Boeing and Bombardier aircraft. We also run a logistics support program called ABACUS for the [Bombardier] Dash 8 operator Aurora based in Sakhalin. It combines repair management and availability services with a local lease stock. The focus of the program is not solely on ensuring availability of the components and improving their on-wing reliability, but also on interaction between the components within the systems. We have also started offering it on Boeing 737NGs.
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