Mi-171A2 completes another testing phase

By early May, the first Mi-171A2 prototype had completed 42 of the 178 planned test flights
By early May, the first Mi-171A2 prototype had completed 42 of the 178 planned test flights // Russian Helicopters
: News
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Valentin Makov

In late April, the Mil Mi-171A2 flying testbed completed the second phase of the preliminary flying tests at the Moscow Mil Plant to checking the multirole medium helicopter’s readiness for additional certification tests.

The testbed performed a total of 67 ground runs and 72 flights, which confirmed that the helicopter’s performance meets the design parameters.

The second phase tested the Klimov VK-2500PS-03 engines, as well as the modified stabilizer and tail-rotor pylon. The rotor system was also tested.
The first phase tested the new main rotor blades made of polymers and composites, the X-shaped tail rotor, improved rotorhubs and swashplate, and also the 8M reinforced transmission. The first phase included 43 flights, which demonstrated lower main rotor vibrations, an increase in the main rotor thrust of more than 800 kg, and improved stability thanks to the new tail rotor.

The next testing phase will involve tethered trials to test the compliance of the rotor drive system and actuators with the requirements of the AP-29 aviation rules.

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