Mi-26T2 debuts at MAKS
At MAKS 2011 air show Russian Helicopters holding presents Mil Mi-26T2, a modernized version of the world’s heaviest Mi-26 helicopter. It has been developed to take part in the Indian Defense Ministry’s tender for delivery of 15 heavy-lift rotorcraft. Since this spring the first prototype started flight trials at Rostvertol facility in Rostov-on-Don, a subsidiary of the Russian Helicopters. It has logged 10 flight hours up today, the manufacturer reported.
Russian Helicopters has already conducted Mi-26T2 demo flights for the Indian delegation that were reportedly satisfied with the helicopter’s performance. The manufacturer also plans to offer the new modification to civil operators within two years.
The new version features a glass cockpit with a BREO-26 avionics suite designed by Ramenskoe Instrument Design Bureau, which offers partial commonality with the avionics of Mi-28 combat rotorcraft. The new cockpit has five multifunctional LCD displays that can show color images of the external load; a new digital autopilot and a dual NAVSTAR/GLONASS navigation system. The designers say that these improvements will enable the helicopter to operate all over the globe, and will make instrumental flights under international standards possible.
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