New Mi-171s for humanitarian missions

In 2012 Skol’s Mi-171 fleet was involved in UN missions
In 2012 Skol’s Mi-171 fleet was involved in UN missions
: News
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Elena Attikova

The Russian Helicopters holding company delivered two Mil Mi-171 utility helicopters to the Russian operator Skol Airlines in March this year. The aircraft are fitted with special lifting and transporting equipment, including an on-board boom with winch capable of lifting loads of up to 150 kg and an external hoist with up to 4-ton lifting capacity.

The new deliveries bring Skol’s Mi-171 fleet up to five airframes. The airline also operates two Mil Mi-8AMT, one Mi-8MTV1 and 12 Mi-8T medium helicopters, seven Mil Mi-26T heavy transports, and three Eurocopter AS350 B3 light single-engine rotorcraft. 

The two new Mi-171s will help Skol expand its presence on the international air freight market. The company holds an official UN carrier status since 2009; UN support missions currently account for nearly 50% of its entire helicopter operations. Throughout 2012, Skol’s Mi-171 fleet was involved in UN missions to airlift humanitarian freights and passengers in Afghanistan, Sudan, Lebanon, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Mi-8/17 helicopters averaged 60 flight hours a month across the fleet in 2012, or 800 hours per airframe for the entire year. The operator’s Mi-8Ts are mostly used in the northern parts of Russia.  


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