New Russian precision airborne munitions
Russia’s Tactical Missiles Corporation (TMC) showcases at Army 2016 new-generation precision munitions whose performance significantly exceeds that of preceding models and is on a par with the best international equivalents.
The new RVV-MD (short-range), RVV-SD (medium-range), and RVV-BD (long-range) air-to-air missiles, developed by Vympel Design Bureau, feature new guidance systems with improved sensitivity and ECM immunity. The new dual-band infrared seeker with a multicell sensor and digital signal processing capability gives the RVV-MD two times the lock-on distance compared to the R-73E missile, and 1.3 times the target designation angles. The RVV-SD has improved aerodynamics, a more powerful transmitter and more sensitive receiver of the active radar seeker. The missile’s software has been completely overhauled, increasing its range by 35% compared to the RVV-AE missile and giving it the ability to destroy targets maneuvering at up to +12g. The RVV-BD missile uses an advanced digital active radar seeker, a high-precision inertial navigation system, and new motor fuel. These innovations increase the missile’s maximum range by nearly 100% as compared to the predecessor.
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