Panaviatic expanding
The Estonian business air charter operator Panaviatic entered the bizav MRO market with the inauguration of an MRO facility at Tallinn airport in late April. The facility sits on about 5,200 square meters of land and comprises five hangars of different capacity capable of accommodating up to 10 medium-sized business jets plus a single ACJ/BBJ, or a greater number of smaller aircraft. The project cost in excess of 5 million euros to build.
The center is run by Panaviatic’s MRO subsidiary Panaviatic Maintenance, which says it serviced three Learjet 60s and one Learjet 60 XR in the first four months. This work included two A checks and two A/B checks. In late August the company took a Honeywell engine off a Learjet 31A and sent it to Germany for maintenance. “Panaviatic Maintenance personnel are currently doing an A-B-C-D field check at Yurmala airport on a Learjet 60, which will be added to the parent company’s fleet this October,” the company comments. “Both Pratt & Whitney engines were taken off the aircraft and sent to Germany for inspection, because the Learjet had previously spent about a year in a hangar.” Panaviatic currently has six Bombardier business aircraft in its fleet: one Learjet 31, four Learjet 60s and one Learjet 60XR.
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