Perm looking to build more RD-191 rocket engines
Russia’s Perm-based propulsion specialist Proton-PM, a subsidiary of Khrunichev Space Center, is turning into a key supplier on the program to develop the Angara family of new-generation modular launch vehicles. The company continues to launch series production of ever more parts and assemblies for Angara’s RD-191 engines; last year, the program accounted for a significant portion on Proton-PM’s 4.8 billion rubles ($146 million) worth of production output. Proton-PM’s share of RD-191 work currently stands at around 50%; the company manufactures engine components at the moment, whereas final assembly is performed by the RD-191 designer NPO Energomash in Moscow’s suburb of Khimki. However, should Energomash prove unable to meet the demand for the engines, there is a good chance that the entire production cycle will be moved to Perm.
The Perm regional administration announced in January 2012 that Proton-PM could launch RD-191 assembly at a new production facility, to be opened at the company’s Novye Lyady testing ground in 2017.
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