Phazotron offers helicopter-based radars

the FH01 radar for the Kamov Ka-52 attack helicopter and the FHA radar for the K
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Maxim Pyadushkin

Effective application of helicopters is impossible today without specialized radars. With one on board, the rotorcraft can be operated day and night, in any weather, detecting and safely avoiding weather hazards and turbulence, considerably improving its observation capabilities and extending the effective range of its weaponry.

Phazotron-NIIR Corporation is actively working in this sector. The company has created a number of helicopter radars for Kamov and Mil helicopters. These include the FH01 radar for the Kamov Ka-52 attack helicopter and the FHA radar for the Ka-27 ship-based rotorcraft.

The FH01 is a Ka- and L-band coherent-pulse combat reconnaissance radar. In the observation mode it provides elevation and azimuth scanning to ±60° off center in the forward hemisphere; in the anti-missile mode, its azimuth scanning covers 360°. The radar has ground-mapping capability; it can detect and identify ground, sea-surface, and aerial targets, protect the platform from enemy missiles, and support onboard electro-optical targeting systems. It helps the pilot detect obstacles in low-level flight, avoid weather, and adjust the navigation data.

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