Radar for naval helicopters

Nearly the entire fleet of the country’s Ka-27PL ASW aircraft will be upgraded with the new radar
Nearly the entire fleet of the country’s Ka-27PL ASW aircraft will be upgraded with the new radar // Leonid Faerberg / Transport-Photo.com
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Maxim Pyadushkin
Article, English

The Russian Navy will shortly expand its antisubmarine warfare (ASW) capabilities with the addition of new helicopters. The upgraded Kamov Ka-27M should complete tests this fall, after which nearly the entire fleet of the country’s Ka-27PL ASW aircraft will be upgraded to the new standard.

The upgraded helicopter features the Kopye-AA radar, developed by Phazo­tron-NIIR Corporation, which replaces the original Osminog search and sighting system. Phazotron-NIIR General Designer Yuri Guskov told Russia & CIS Observer that the Osminog-equipped Ka-27 only has a radar, whereas the Kopye-AA’s functions are much more versatile: “In fact, [the Kopye-AA] is more than a radar, it is a tactical command and control radar system.” 

The helicopter operates 100-150 km away from the mother ship, at altitudes between 4 and 5 km, giving it a visibility radius of 200 km. The new radar provides the Ka-27M with total situational awareness and allows the crew to transmit target data to ship-borne or ground-based command centres, Guskov says. According to him, the Kopye-AA has an air-to-air mode: “The helicopter now detects aircraft flying at altitudes of 1,000 to 2,000 m, and transmits target information to the mother ship.” 

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