Russian avionics for the MC-21
Aviapribor Holding, a subsidiary of Radioelectronic Technologies Concern and Russia’s largest developer of instruments for defense and civilian aviation applications, has brought to MAKS 2013 prototypes of subsystems to be used in the integrated avionics suite of the Irkut MC-21 short- to medium-range passenger airliner.
The IKBO IMA modular avionics system provides navigation, indication, warnings, etc. "We have created a virtually entirely Russian-made avionics suite for the MC-21 and for other future Russian aircraft designs," says Radioelectronic Technologies general director Nikolay Kolesov.
Russia’s Ministry of Industry and Trade contracted Aviapribor this April to manufacture several prototypes of the MC-21 avionics suite for a total sum of 2.33 billion rubles ($71 million). Ground and flight tests will be conducted in 2014–2015, followed by production launch in 2016-2017.
The most notable component of the new avionics suite is the IVK-KSU-MS-2 computer information system, which assists the crew with both manual and automatic control of the aircraft.
The IM-21-2 multifunction indicator displays flight and navigation information, information about the condition and operating parameters of the powerplants and systems, and advisory annunciations.
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