"The Russian business aviation market is certainly in a growth cycle"
Launched in 2007, Jet Aviation’s maintenance station at Vnukovo airport has lived through the ups and downs of the Russian business aviation market: from the dawn of the business-jet operations and their sky-rocketing growth to the recent stagnation and then a new return to life. In the meantime, the company itself has gone through a change in ownership, expansion, and top-management reshuffle. Being a pioneer among the Western companies that dared to tame the Russian market, Jet Aviation Moscow today is a landmark of Vnukovo-3. The company’s general director, Ian Ludlow, shares his views of the Russian business aviation scene.
— Mr. Ludlow, apparently MRO is one segment of business aviation (along with cabin completions) that wasn’t hit as hard as the others by the economic recession. How has this year been so far, and what are the main goals and challenges for Jet Aviation Vnukovo for the year ahead?
— Speaking only for the MRO operation here in Vnukovo, it was evident that during the 2009-10 recession period there was a definite impact on the work volumes – since this period, we have seen steady growth in the market. This year has been very busy for us in Moscow and the main challenges ahead lie in the development and refinement of customs import processes for aircraft spares and equipment.
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