Russia’s Soyuz, Progress spacecraft to be upgraded

The Soviet-designed Soyuz manned spacecraft has been hauling crews into orbit for 47 years now. Design work on the vehicle began in 1959, which puts its total age at 55. However, thanks to continuous modernization efforts, the Soyuz is still going strong. The current iteration, the Soyuz TMA-M, was commissioned in 2010. An even more advanced model is in the pipeline, to be known as the Soyuz TMA-MS (or Soyuz MS). There will also be an upgraded resupply vehicle, the Progress MS.
The development of the previous manned version, the Soyuz TMA-M, was primarily aimed at upgrading the digital computer and the telemetry transmission system. Earlier Soyuz craft were fitted with an analog telemetry system. The new solution is more compact, and has an advanced TsVM-101-class computer. The modernization effort saw the replacement of the original 36 obsolete instruments with 19 newly designed ones, necessitating corresponding updates to the on-board complex control system and thermal control system. The new craft is easier to manufacture, and its total empty weight is 70 kg lower than that of the predecessor.
The Soyuz manufacturer, Energia Rocket and Space Corporation, first announced plans for the new modification in 2011. It was reported back then that the Soyuz TMA-MS would get more efficient solar panels with photovoltaic converters, and that the docking and attitude control thrusters would be rearranged for reliable rendezvousing with the International Space Station (ISS) even if one of the thrusters failed, and for safe re-entry in case any of two thrusters failed.
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