SJI announces a new reality for SSJ training

The SuperJet International (SJI) training center at Zhukovsky has taken delivery of a ‘RealitySeven’ full-flight simulator (FFS) for the Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional aircraft. Built by Thales Training & Simulation, the RealitySeven was installed in its new Moscow home at the beginning of August. Previously, the simulator had been operating in Paris where, since March, it was used by Thales for trials and initial pilot training. Before the new FFS became available SSJ 100 pilot training was conducted with the FTD LV flight simulator, produced by the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC) and its Russian specialist partners Transas and CSTS Dinamika.
"With this new device pilots who are already certified on Russian commercial aircraft like the Tupolev Tu-134, Tu-154 or Antonov An-24 can convert to the SSJ 100 without having to fly the real aircraft. The simulator will save us a lot of flying hours", says SCAC President Vladimir Prisyazhnyuk. For example, a trainee SSJ 100 pilot will complete six approaches and seven landings in the FFS, instead of eight actual flight hours on the aircraft.
In 2012 Thales will supply two more RealitySeven FFS for SSJ 100. One will be delivered to Aeroflot’s training center at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport (already home to SSJ 100 operations) while the other will be located at SJI’s subsidiary training center in Venice.
Maxim Pyadushkin
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