Sustained growth

Russian air traffic figures continue to grow, as witnessed by a recent Rosaviatsia Federal Air Transport Agency report. In January through August 2011, the number of passengers carried by Russian airlines increased by 12.3% year-on-year to reach 42.583 mln people.
A total of 20.92 mln passengers were carried on international routes, 12.9% up on the 18.53 mln transported in the first eight months of 2010. Services between Russia and CIS countries saw a 41.7% increase (3.29 mln against 2.32 mln during the same period last year); between Russia and farther abroad, there were 8.8% more passengers (17.629 mln against 16.209 mln). There were 21.663 mln domestic passengers, which is 11.8% more than last year’s 2.322 mln.
Passenger traffic grew by 13.2%, from 97.166 bln passenger kilometers to 109.983 bln. The seat load factor, however, lost 1.5 percentage points to 77.4%, and the revenue load factor dipped by 1.9 percentage points to 65.1%.
The leading airlines for the number of passengers carried were Aeroflot, Transaero Airlines, UTair Aviation, S7 Airlines, and Rossiya. These carriers together transported 23.996 mln passengers, or 56.4% of overall numbers, and their combined share in the eight-month passenger traffic amounted to 61.3% (67.396 bln passenger kilometres).
The same period saw 619,960 tons of freight and mail carried, indicating a year-on-year growth of 5.9%. In particular, freight traffic grew by 5% to 3.16 bln ton kilometers. AirBridgeCargo Airlines and Aeroflot led the top five of freight operators with a significant margin, followed by Volga-Dnepr, Polet Airlines, and Transaero. The five best performers together carried 441,172 tons of freight and mail in the first eight months of 2011, accounting for 71.3% of the total Russian market.
Carrier |
Passengers carried |
January-August |
%, |
2010 |
2011 |
1 |
Aeroflot |
7,460,958 |
9,177,326 |
123.0 |
2 |
Transaero Airlines |
4,347,895 |
5,579,859 |
128.3 |
3 |
UTair Aviation |
3,023,743 |
3,557,934 |
117.7 |
4 |
S7 Airlines |
3,225,595 |
3,336,920 |
103.5 |
5 |
Rossiya – Russian Airlines |
2,104,688 |
2,343,566 |
111.3 |
Top five carriers combined |
20,162,879 |
23,995,605 |
119.0 |
Share of the top five in overall passengers carried, % |
53.2 |
56.4 |
6 |
Orenair |
1,603,629 |
1,697,132 |
105.8 |
7 |
Ural Airlines |
1,218,916 |
1,648,978 |
135.3 |
8 |
Nordwind Airlines |
707,635 |
1,154,136 |
163.1 |
9 |
VIM Airlines |
943,192 |
1,109,802 |
117.7 |
10 |
Nordavia – RegionalAirlines |
944,810 |
1,047,575 |
110.9 |
11 |
Globus |
738,569 |
877,456 |
118.8 |
12 |
Avianova |
774,527 |
866,223 |
111.8 |
13 |
VladivostokAir |
854,087 |
842,377 |
98.6 |
14 |
Sky Express |
737,966 |
825,182 |
111.8 |
15 |
Yakutia Airlies |
591,534 |
690,408 |
116.7 |
Top 15 carriers combined |
29,277,744 |
34,754,874 |
118.7 |
Share of the top 15 in overall passengers carried, % |
77.2 |
81.6 |
16 |
KubanAirlines |
417,373 |
650,017 |
155.7 |
17 |
Red Wings |
591,555 |
593,562 |
100.3 |
18 |
Donavia |
1,002,821 |
522,645 |
52.1 |
19 |
UTair Express |
246,964 |
499,565 |
202.3 |
20 |
NordStar Airlines |
335,136 |
483,196 |
144.2 |
Top 20 carriers combined |
31,871,593 |
37,503,859 |
117.7 |
Total passengers carried |
37,912,703 |
42,582,629 |
112.3 |
Share of the top 20 in overall passengers carried, % |
84.9 |
87.0 |
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