Tu-214 for Open Skies

This Tu-214ON will be delivered at the end of 2011
This Tu-214ON will be delivered at the end of 2011 / Vega

Kazan’s KAPO aircraft factory is contributing to the MAKS 2011 flight display program with a Tupolev Tu-214ON (registration number RA-64519). The aircraft is outfitted with aerial photography equipment for arms control flights in the framework of the Open Skies international treaty. Its maiden flight took place on 1 June, 2011. After getting paint job at Spektr-Avia in Ulyanovsk the aircraft returned to Kazan in early August.

KAPO is building the Tu-214ON for the Vega radio engineering corporation that provides surveillance equipment for the plane. The Kazan factory will be responsible for the flight development and certification tests, as well as for mission equipment trials. The aircraft will then be submitted for official testing. Delivery to customer is scheduled for late 2011.

KAPO says a second Tu-214ON is in the final assembly shop for wing mating. Systems installation on it is to begin in mid-September. The aircraft should commence ground and flight tests in July 2012.

Alexey Sinitsky

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