The versatile L-410 UVP-E20
Aircraft Industries of he Czech Republic, which is 51% owned by Russia’s Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, has brought the L-410 UVP-E20 turboprop in the passenger, para-dropping, and medevac configurations to the MAKS static display. "Rather than having to ferry three different aircraft to the show, we will use a single cabin to demonstrate elements of the aircraft’s three most popular roles," says Aircraft Industries sales manager for Russia and the CIS Sergey Martynov. The UVP-E20 is the latest iteration of the Let L-410 family of twin turboprops. According to Martynov, 32 aircraft of this modification have been sold to Russia since 2009.
All newly built L-410s are powered by General Electric Aviation Czech (GEAC) H80 engines. GEAC was set up after General Electric acquired the Czech powerplant specialist Walter. The new engine is an improved version of the M601 design, which used to power UVP-Е20 aircraft. An EASA certificate for the H80 was obtained in December 2011; the CIS-wide Interstate Aviation Committee certified the engine in early October 2012. The H80 engines increase the aircraft’s take-off power from 750 to 800 hp, reduce the hourly fuel burn from 260 to 247 kg, boost the maximum cruise speed from 386 to 405 km/h, and extend the maximum range from 1,400 to 1,520 km.
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