“We still see enormous pent-up potential in the Russian market”

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This interview is prepared by Elizaveta Kazachkova

Gilles Gautier Vice-president Falcon sales, Dassault AviationDassault Aviation entered the Russian market back in the 1990 and still has very strong positions here. The Falcon jet family is the manufacturer’s leading product, so the vice-president Falcon sales Gilles Gautier told Show Observer about the company’s current and future products and describes his expectations from the Russian market and JetExpo.

— This year Dassault celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Falcon family. Looking back a half a century, what do you view as your greatest achievements? What are your priorities over the next five decades?
— Falcons are recognized worldwide for their peerless safety track record, their superior technology, and robustness, derived largely from the heritage of Dassault fighter aircraft. They have pioneered many of the industry’s leading features, from the first supercritical wing, on the Falcon 50, to the first HUD, the Falcon 2000, and the first fly-by-wire flight controls, Falcon 7X.
All Falcons are engineered for maximum flexibility, comfort and operating economy, with the ability to operate at challenging airport and fuel consumption levels as much as 50% lower than that of competing aircraft.
These qualities have helped to make Dassault Falcon an industry leader in the large cabin segment. More than 2,250 Falcons have been delivered to customers in more than 70 countries around the world since the first flight of the Mystere 20 on May 4, 1963. 
The Falcon family’s 50th year anniversary is not about nostalgia. It is a great opportunity to recall the key values upon which the success of the Falcon line has been built – a profound respect and loyalty to customers, a permanent quest for better quality and safety and a passion for innovation. These values are Dassault Falcon’s DNA, the cornerstone on which it intends to build its future. 

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