Work on Russian high-speed helicopter continues

One of the RACHEL program’s results will be the development of a medium commercial helicopter
One of the RACHEL program’s results will be the development of a medium commercial helicopter
: News
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Alexei Sinitsky

The Russian program to develop a high-speed helicopter (dubbed the Russian Advanced Commercial Helicopter, or RACHEL), which has been on for three years now, will be split into two separate efforts in 2016, Andrey Boginsky, deputy minister of industry and trade, announced on the eve of HeliRussia 2015. Andrey Shibitov, deputy general manager for production at the Russian Helicopters holding company, explained that the program has reached the flying testbed phase. The testbed is expected to be built by year-end, and to fly in first quarter 2016. At the same time, Shibitov noted, it became clear after the first three years that the project needs to be split in two.

 “According to our analysis, reaching a cruise speed of just 360 kmph, as envisaged by the first phase of the project, will make the helicopter’s life-cycle cost higher than our potential customers are ready to accept,” Shibitov noted.

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