EastUnion showcasing new Cessna Citations
The Russian bizav operator EastUnion Group is debuting at JetExpo 2014 in its capacity as Cessna’s official dealer for Russia and the CIS. The company is demonstrating two Cessna bizjets in the Vnukovo 3 static park: an upgraded Cessna Citation Sovereign+ and an XLS+. The EastUnion stall also features a scale model of the Cessna Citation X+.
“From the outset we have based our marketing policy on promoting the Cessna Citation brand in Russia and the CIS; this requires deep knowledge of the aircraft, personal familiarization with their performance, the ability to produce quality presentations and convincingly demonstrate our products’ advantage over comparable models in terms of price and ownership cost”. — says sales and marketing director Elena Zhdanova. – “Judging by how we handled such events last year, there is still some room for improvement.”
EastUnion has expanded its fleet from 10 to 12 aircraft since thebeginning of 2014 by taking delivery of its first Falcon 900 and second Gulfstream G650. Both jets will be operated in the interests of private clients. EastUnion’s fleet currently includes nearly all types of business jets ranging from the Airbus ACJ318 to the Gulfstream G200.
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