HeliRussia 2015’s impressive business program

The HeliRussia 2015 business program will comprise over 45 events
The HeliRussia 2015 business program will comprise over 45 events
: News
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Tatyana Volodina

HeliRussia 2015’s business program will address the industry’s most topical issues. The organizers are planning over 45 conferences, round tables, presentations, and master classes. At least 800 delegates from around 120 companies are expected to attend.

Among the key events will be the seventh international conference “Helicopter Market: Reality and Prospects”, which will discuss the current state and the future of the Russian helicopter market as seen by operators and manufacturers.

The business program will also include the third interdepartmental scientific and practical conference “Air Medical Service and MedEvac”. The previous two events proved very popular with specialist organizations. In 2012-14, HeliRussia provided the greatest platform in Russia for discussions of this sector’s development prospects, including ways to improve air rescue technologies.

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