Ka-62 to be certified in 2017

The first Ka-62 prototype was presented at MAKS 2013 airshow
The first Ka-62 prototype was presented at MAKS 2013 airshow // Sergey Sergeev
: News
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Tatyana Volodina

Certification of Russia’s new Kamov Ka-62 medium twin helicopter, originally planned for 2014, has been postponed until 2017. 
Andrey Boginsky, deputy minister of industry and trade, reported on the eve of HeliRussia 2015 that the maiden flight is scheduled for the first half of  2015. Three prototypes have been built to date.

One is being readied for static tests, which should begin in early June, says Andrey Shibitov, deputy general manager of the Russian Helicopters holding company.

According to Shibitov, the certification schedule is slipped due to program management quality problems and because the helicopter is very innovative.

“Unfortunately, our management of innovation risks in this aircraft was not entirely objective; our designers set themselves too high a goal by attempting to catch up with international experience in this new for us class in one stride,” Shibitov says, adding that “innovative solutions require additional testing both from us and from equipment suppliers”.

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