New challenges for Russian air transport

New challenges for Russian air transport
New challenges for Russian air transport // Leonid Faerberg /
Подробно об авторе:
Maxim Pyadushkin
Article, English

Russian commercial aviation faces serious challenges caused by the country’s deteriorating economic situation and political tensions over the crisis in Ukraine. As the double-digit growth demonstrated in the previous decade appears to be over, the top carriers are exploring ways to optimize costs and capacity.

Russian airlines have almost tripled the number of passengers carried annually since 2004, from 33.7 million to 84.6 million in 2013, but now the growth pace is slowing down. For the first three quarters of this year, the country’s airlines carried 72.9 million passengers, up 11.8% on the same period in 2013.

Aeroflot continued to lead with 17.8 million passengers carried, or up 13.4% year-on-year. Transaero ranked second with 10.4 million; UTair Aviation came third with 6.9 million people. These two carriers demonstrated the slowest growth of the top five Russian airlines, 6.4% and 9.3% respectively. S7 Airlines saw its passenger numbers grow by 14.6% in the first nine months of the year, reaching 6.1 million. The figures for Ural Airlines were 18.3% and 4 million. These five companies together accounted for 62.3% of all Russian passengers carried, the Federal Air Transport Agency reports.

Top 20 Russian airlines by passengers carried and passenger kilometers flown in January-September 2014


Passengers carried

Passenger kilometers


carried, thousand

Change to
September 2013, %


Passenger km, thousand

Change to
September 2013, %

Aeroflot 1 17,833 +13.4 1 50,728,396 +11.8
Transaero 2 10,453 +6.4 2 36,460,314 +0.5
UTair 3 6,943 +9.3 3 16,065,420 +24.9
S7 Airlines 4 6,135 +14.6 4 12,040,180 +12.2
Ural Airlines 5 4,052 +18.3 5 10,505,165 +15.5
Rossiya Airlines 6 3,969 +10.6 7 7,792,315 +7.6
NordWind 7 3,665 +38.0 6 9,967,631 +0.4
Orenair 8 2,500 -1.8 8 7,240,418 -18.4
Globus 9 1,584 -8.1 10 4,181,247 -0.9
Donavia 10 1,361 +35.5 17 1,936,983 +28.6
VIM-Avia 11 1,227 +10.3 13 2,607,334 +6.4
Yamal 12 1,205 +13.4 14 2,466,507 +15.5
Metrojet (Kolavia) 13 1,129 +23.4 11 3,328,454 +28.8
Ikar 14 1,009 by eight times 9 4,867,672 by 12 times
NordStar 15 918 -6.6 15 2,429,861 -7.7
I Fly 16 879 +1.1 12 3,025,219 +11.5
Yakutia Airlines 17 801 -6.6 16 2,073,630 -22.1
Avrora 18 795 +289.6 18 1,318,955 +593.3
Red Wings 19 719 +154.5 19 1,134,063 +75.9
UTair Express 20 615 +176.4 20 436,264 +160.4
Source: Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency
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