Архив материалов ATO.RU: "News Eng" за 09/2012
28.09.2012Sfera Jet now plans to apply for an EASA Aircraft Operator Certificate and its Russian equivalent.
28.09.2012The SBJ’s wide cabin allows for a variety of layouts.
27.09.2012The Russian bizav market will remember 2011 as the first year of post-crisis stability.
27.09.2012The business program at JetExpo 2012 will open with the roundtable discussion entitled "Mass media and business aviation".
27.09.2012On display in the JetExpo 2012 static park is an Airbus ACJ319 sporting an exclusive cabin interior by the French design house Alberto Pinto.
27.09.2012This year’s JetExpo is going to be the first such exhibition for the Russian aircraft parts supplier FastAir.
27.09.2012Eurocopter Vostok has delivered to CIS customers the first two examples of the EC145 twin helicopter outfitted by Como, Italy-based Mercedes-Benz Advanced Design Studio.
27.09.2012The Anglo-Italian manufacturer AgustaWestland is planning to develop a new helicopter jointly with the Russian Helicopters holding company.
27.09.2012A total of 525 business aircraft will have been brought into Russia and the CIS by the year 2020
27.09.2012AVCOM-D, one of the Russian bizav services veterans, opened a line maintenance station for business jets in Irkutsk earlier this year.
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