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04.09.2014Overall demand for helicopter business charters is growing in Russia but the sector is distinctly seasonal.
04.09.2014The healthy oil-and-gas and processing sectors and an increase in the number of high-net-worth individuals were the key drivers of the Russian business aviation segment.
04.09.2014Shortly before the opening of JetExpo 2014, the rotorcraft charter services provider Aerosoyuz inaugurated a new helicopter center at the 39th km on the outer side of the Moscow Automobile Ring Road (MKAD).
04.09.2014The Russian bizav operator EastUnion Group is debuting at JetExpo 2014 in its capacity as Cessna’s official dealer for Russia and the CIS.
04.09.2014There are all preconditions for the development of bizav services in major regional production and financial centers like Novosibirsk, Yekateriburg, Krasnoyarsk, and Vladivostok.
21.07.2014The Russian metal specialist VSMPO-AVISMA, one of the world’s leading aerospace titanium manufacturers, is planning to expand its production capacities.
21.07.2014The new widebody airliner will target the Russian and Chinese markets and will also be offered to third countries.
23.05.2014Ukrainian engine specialist Ivchenko Progress has brought to HeliRussia 2014 a mock-up of its D-136-2 helicopter engine, which was first demonstrated in Russia at last year’s exhibition. The company says it is assembling the first two examples of the powerplant.
23.05.2014In April 2014, acting Ukrainian Defence Minister Mykhaylo Koval signed a decree introducing the Mil Mi-8 military transport helicopter into service with the national armed forces.
23.05.2014Russia’s Salut Scientific Industrial Center for Gas Turbines is planning to supply parts for Klimov VK-2500 helicopter engines.
23.05.2014The Russian Helicopters holding company is flight-testing the Mil Mi-171A2 transport helicopter — the latest modification of the Mi-8/17 family.
23.05.2014Aviamarket will now be rebranded as Heliport Istra, and will become Heliport Moscow’s primary aircraft maintenance facility.
23.05.2014The Klimov TV7-117V helicopter engine will be certified in December 2014.
23.05.2014First day of HeliRussia 2014 was marked by the signing of contract for 20 R44 and R66 helicopters between Heliport and Robinson Helicopter, which makes Heliport the largest Robinson customer outside the US.
22.05.2014A total of 212 companies from 20 countries are exhibiting at a combined area of 14,000 sq.m.
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