Архив материалов ATO.RU: "English" за 02/2010
15.02.2010Russia’s space sector is growing steadily
15.02.2010In his interview to Russia & CIS Observer Yevgeny Bakhtin, Vice President of the Russian United Business Aviation Association, has explained if there are preconditions for a qualitative change of the situation in 2010 or if stagnation in the industry will continue in the short term.
15.02.2010Russian business aviation rolls back to 2007 levels
15.02.2010The Russian air transport market saw a reshuffle of major carriers
15.02.2010Russia’s largest carrier Aeroflot will receive assets of Rosavia airlines
15.02.2010In December Beriev Aircraft Company reported that the Russian Air Force cleared for service a modernized A-50U airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft.
15.02.2010Russia and India are to start the join development of new transport aircraft for their air forces.
15.02.2010The Russian military expect local designers to offer new medium range UAV
15.02.2010Yak-130 jet trainer is cleared for service
15.02.2010Russian defense industry increases both export and domestic sales
15.02.2010The Russian air force aims to introduce a successor to the Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack, Tu-95 Bear and Tu-22M3 Backfire in 2025-2030.
15.02.2010Sukhoi started flight tests of its fifth generation fighter
15.02.2010PW1000G engine may be useful for Russian industry not only in MS-21 program
15.02.2010Russian aircraft manufacturers increased deliveries in 2009, but this year’s sales remain uncertain
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