Архив материалов ATO.RU: "English" за 06/2011

10.06.2011Russia’s Tactical Missiles Corporation (TMC) is successfully upgrading one of its bestsellers, the Kh-31 (AS-17 Krypton) air-to-surface missile. The latest two modifications — the Kh-31PD anti-radiation and Kh-31AD anti-ship variants — are being put through official acceptance tests in the run-up to production launch.
10.06.2011Russia’s air transport market has almost reached the all-time high of 1991 on the back of soaring passenger numbers, but the financial state of many carriers remains precarious, and the competition on many routes is fiercer than ever
10.06.2011The Russian government wants to bring two Moscow airports together under a single management
10.06.2011The development of the new Kamov Ka-60/62 medium twin helicopter – the manufacturer’s first non-coaxial-rotor aircraft – is gaining pace, backed by military orders and government subsidies.
10.06.2011Russia’s new regional aircraft Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ 100) is entering commercial operation with the two launch customers – the Russian flag carrier Aeroflot and Armenia’s Armavia.
10.06.2011The development of the Mil Mi-34C1 light single-engine helicopter has received a significant boost after Russia’s largest rotorcraft operator UTair Aviation placed a 10-ship launch order in May.
10.06.2011The Russian helicopter industry is gearing up for large military orders
10.06.2011Sukhoi continues flight-testing prototypes of its T-50 fifth-generation fighter developed under the PAK FA program.
10.06.2011Russia’s Tactical Missiles Corporation (TMC) is successfully upgrading one of its bestsellers, the Kh-31 (AS-17 Krypton) air-to-surface missile. The latest two modifications — the Kh-31PD anti-radiation and Kh-31AD anti-ship variants — are being put through official acceptance tests in the run-up to production launch.
10.06.2011Russia is set to remain the key supplier of ISS cargo and crew delivery services for the next several years.
10.06.2011Last year’s overall revival of passenger traffic did virtually nothing to improve the situation on the Russian regional air services market. This segment has had a life of its own for decades, generally faring worse than the rest of the industry; market peaks have seemingly no effect on it, while each downturn leaves a lasting impact
10.06.2011Russia plans to set up local production of Ilyushin’s heavy transport aircraft
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