Архив материалов ATO.RU: "English" за 11/2010

26.11.2010The Russian manned space program reached a milestone on 8 October 2010, when a Soyuz-FG rocket lifted off from Baikonur Cosmo­drome’s launch pad 1 with the first operational example of the upgraded Soyuz TMA-01M spacecraft.
26.11.2010The outgoing year may prove decisive for the future of Russia’s Glonass satellite navigation system, currently under development by the Federal Space Agency and the Russian Space Systems corporation. If everything goes according to plan, the Glonass constellation will finally reach the size required for providing global signal availability.
26.11.2010Russian bizav operators look for new airports in Moscow region
26.11.2010The Russian bizav market is attracting foreign manufacturers
26.11.2010S7 Airlines, the third largest Russian air carrier, will join the Oneworld airline alliance as a full member on 15 November.
26.11.2010Russia’s air transport shows fast recovery
26.11.2010Russian air carriers continue to purchase new airliners
26.11.2010Russian military evaluates domestic UAV designs
26.11.2010The first production Ilyushin Il-76MF military transport made its maiden flight on September 30.
Anatoly Isaykin
26.11.2010In his interview to Russia & CIS Observer Anatoly Isaykin, Director General of the Rosoboronexport Corporation, highlights the main achievements and explains how the company develops long-term partnerships with foreign countries under the motto "Efficiency. Reliability. Quality".
26.11.2010The Russian Air Force has received the first batch of P&W-powered Ansat-U light training helicopters.
26.11.2010Russia continues to increase its defense spending in a bid to reequip the national armed forces. This effort is combined with the general reorganization of the military service with the aim to transform them into a smaller but more effective force.
26.11.2010In September Beriev Be-200ChS amphibian fire-fighting aircraft received a type certificate from the European Aviation Safety Agency.
26.11.2010In September Eurocopter Vostok delivered to Gazpromavia Aviation, a subsidiary of Russia’s gas monopoly Gazprom, the first four of the eight EC135 light twin helicopters ordered in late 2009. These are the first rotorcraft by the European manufacturer to be fitted with Russian avionics.
Yuri Belykh
26.11.2010Having spent many years in the post of deputy director for aircraft maintenance in Russia’s largest air carrier Aeroflot, in September Yuri Belykh moved on to fill a vice-presidential position with Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company. In his first interview in the new job, Belykh speaks about the tasks he is facing with the putting into operation of Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional aircraft for which Aeroflot is the launch customer.


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