
22.05.2014Patrick Moulay, Bell Helicopter’s managing director for Europe and Russia:

"We selected Transas Aviation as the manufacturer of GLONASS equipment and are on track to meet Russian CAA dead line for installation of this equipment".
01.04.2014Produced by the publisher of the Russian-language monthly publication Air Transport Observer, the Show Observer daily has covered all HeliRussia shows since the first exhibition in 2008.
In 2013 the Holding’s subsidiaries serviced 60,228 flights
26.02.2014One of the largest Russian aircraft MRO providers, the Engineering Holding reported a 5% growth in man-hours in 2013 compared to previous year, up to 2042 thousand man-hours.
S7 Engineering trains technicians both for its own needs and for other customers
26.02.2014In December 2013, S7 Engineering training center in Domodedovo airport launched the Airbus A320 maintenance training program for engineering and technical personnel.
In 2007–2013, Russian companies acquired 700 Western-built airliners
26.02.2014Over the last years, Russian air carriers’ fleet has suffered a considerable structural shift — a large-scale introduction of Western types was accompanied by decommissioning of ageing Soviet-built aircraft.
26.02.2014Gediminas Ziemelis, Chairman of the Board of Avia Solutions Group:

"We have made embracing arrangements with UAC but the business is still in the slow lane".
Since 2011 dominant local MRO players have emerged in Russia/CIS
26.02.2014The growth rate of the CIS market will be almost double that of the world total, and will substantially surpass that of the European market
UTair plans to transfer heavy maintenance of its Boeing 737 to Ufa
26.02.2014Ural Aviation Services, a maintenance organization, part of UTair group, received EASA approval for nearly entire range of its operations
Gazpromavia plans to start SSJ 100 operations in February
26.02.2014In January Gazpromavia, a subsidiary airline of Gazprom gaz monopolist, and SuperJet International (SJI), a joint marketing and post-sale effort between Sukhoi and Italian Alenia Aermachi, have announced an agreement for spare parts supply, which covers Sukhoi Superjet 100LR aircraft operated by Gazpromavia.
The holding facilities performed 107 C-checks in 2013
26.02.2014Engineering Holding, one of the biggest Russian MRO providers, plans to double the annual rate of C-Check maintenance works.
27.11.2013A meeting point and one-on-one meeting scheduler will be organized to help attendees find companies and persons on-site.
A prototype of Russia’s nuclear power propulsion system should be built by 2018
21.11.2013The project to develop a megawatt-class nuclear power propulsion system will help the Russian space industry create a new generation of powerful propulsion modules for future space exploration programs.
Russia leads the world in the number of commercial space launches
21.11.2013Russia at present possesses a necessary and sufficient variety of expendable launchers to achieve all the current space exploration goals, but the ageing technical capabilities of these vehicles necessitate the development of new-generation rockets.
The monthly flying time for Rossiya’s An-148 fleet averaged at 300 hours per air
21.11.2013IFC sees a potential market for the An-148/158 among the current operators of the BAe 146 regional jetliner and its Avro RJ modification
Russians traditionally prefer large-cabin, long-range jets for their private tra
20.11.2013Stability on the Russian bizav market is good for everyone except the Russian market


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