Архив материалов ATO.RU: "English" за 08/2011

Vyacheslav Boguslayev wants to see the D-436 powering the SSJ 100
16.08.2011Vyacheslav Boguslayev, general director of the Ukrainian engine maker Motor Sich, proposes a version of the Progress D-436 turbofan engine for installation on the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ 100).
Irkut wants the MC-21 to capture 10% of the global narrowbody market / Irkut
16.08.2011Irkut Corporation is readying a final assembly line for its new MС-21 narrowbody aircraft seating 150 to 210 passengers. The airliner is set to enter service in 2016.
TheMi-171A2 is based on the Mi-171A1 model, produced by U-UAZ / «U-UAZ»
16.08.2011On the eve of MAKS 2011, the Russian Helicopters holding company revealed the marketing name for the newest member of the Mil Мi-8/17 rotorcraft family, formerly known under the designation Mi-171M.
The Phobos-Grunt flight module can serve as a platform for future exploration
16.08.2011At MAKS-2011 air show NPO Lavochkin is showing a mock-up of the Phobos-Grunt spacecraft which will take Russia back into the business of deep space exploration by returning soil samples from Phobos, one of the moons of Mars.
Fuselage components for one of the first MiG-29Ks in the latest production batch
16.08.2011RSK MiG has started manufacturing work on an additional batch of MiG-29K naval fighters for the Indian Navy.
A Thales RealitySeven full-flight simulator for the SSJ 100 is now installed
16.08.2011The SuperJet International (SJI) training center at Zhukovsky has taken delivery of a ‘RealitySeven’ full-flight simulator (FFS) for the Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional aircraft.
Ilyushin Finance has ordered 20 An-158s for customers in Latin America
16.08.2011Antonov is showing its new An-158 regional jet at MAKS for the first time this year. Developed as a ‘stretched’ version of the An-148, the An-158 already attended June’s Paris Air Show where Russian lessor Ilyushin Finance (IFC) placed a firm order for 10 aircraft.
An-158 may change its D-436-148 engines (on the photo) for uprated SaM-146
16.08.2011At MAKS 2011 air show there is planned the signing of a memorandum on the re-engining project for the Antonov An-158 aircraft.
Mikhail Pogosyan (left) and Alexey Fedorov have been reshuffled — again
16.08.2011Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) has recently thoroughly reshuffled its top management.
The first Indian MiG-29s are now being upgraded to UPG standards in Russia
16.08.2011Russian fighter manufacturer RSK MiG is upgrading an initial batch of six Indian Air Force MiG-29s, according to the head of MiG’s Engineering Center, Vladimir Barkovsky.
Russian aircraft industry is unable to quickly increase the production rates
15.08.2011It would be logical to assume that the recent growth in air passenger numbers in Russia should be driving up demand for new aircraft and, consequently, resulting in increased production.
15.08.2011This year the MAKS opens its grounds near Moscow for the 10th time. The organizers promise to stage the largest event ever, both in the number of exhibitors and the area occupied.
Aeroflot launched flights with the SSJ 100 in June / Sergei Sergeev
15.08.2011Russia’s regional jet, the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ 100), has ceased to be an air show novelty and is now a working airliner.
The new onboard equipment allows for reducing the Mi-26T2 crew /«Роствертол»
14.08.2011At MAKS 2011 air show Russian Helicopters holding presents Mil Mi-26T2, a modernized version of the world’s heaviest Mi-26 helicopter.
The Express AM4 communications satellite will serve on orbit for 15 years.
14.08.2011On 18 August, at the height of MAKS-2011, the Express AM4 next-generation communications satellite will be launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.


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